Project team » Consultants
Vintila Mihailescu is Professor of Sociology and director of the Museum of the Romanian Peasant in Bucharest, Romania. He is among the leading European scholars in the field of cultural anthropology and published widely in the areas of culture, philosophy, and politics. He has been working on the problems of heritage and its uses for more than twenty years.

Marc de Ferrière le Vayer is Professor at the Université François-Rabelais in Tours, France. The European Institute of History and Culture of Food (IEHCA – Institut Européen d'Histoire et des Cultures de l'Alimentation) and has done research that establishes a relationship between history of industry, history of technology and history of consumption in the Western world in the 19th and 20th century. He is a chair of the UNESCO Department “Preservation and valorization of the cultural heritage of food”.
Sonya Aleksieva is Associate Professor at the New Bulgarian University, Department of economics and business administration. She holds a MA in Journalism and PhD in sociology. She has authored numerous publications in the field of PR and tourism. Professional publisher, editor and consultant of many books about the PR, business communication, tourism, and cultural and historical heritage, she has participated as an expert in PR and communications in many national and international projects as well as in the creation of strategies, brands and images of tourism in Bulgaria.

Petar Miladinov, PhD in Museology, is dealing with the problems of management and organization of museums’ activities. He hold a position of a senior expert at the Ministry of culture, Department of regional cultural policy and works in the field of cultural and creative industries, cultural heritage as a factor of development, priorities in the area of culture related to the execution of the strategy “Europe 2020” of the EU. At the moment he works for the European Commission, Direction of education and culture, subdivision of cultural politics.

François Portet has worked for many years with the Regional direction of cultural activities (DRAC…) as a consultant in the field of ethnological heritage, cultural activities and cultural politics. He is a member of the Laboratory for investigation of the village at the University Lumiere-Lyon 2. As a scholar he investigates problems of the heritage of village and its patrimolization, the future of the countryside and suburban territories from the point of view of the heritage and cultural activities, and deals with the questions of cultural development and heritage too.
