Project team »
Krassimira Krastanova, PhD (Project leader)
Krassimira Krastanova, PhD, is Associate Professor of Ethnology at the University of Plovdiv. Her interest is in the fields of heritage, cultural technologies, identities, art activities and their social aspects and uses related to the cultural policies and tourism. She has participated as an expert or as a project leader in international projects and has published books as well as articles in national and international scholarly journals and edited volumes.

Elitsa Stoilova (Secretary of the project)
Elitsa Stoilova is a doctoral student at the University of Plovdiv and Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Her dissertation topic is “Bulgarian Yoghurt: Manufacturing and Exporting Authenticity”. Her interests are in the field of sociology and history of science and technology, with a focus on food production and consumption. She has participated in various national and international research projects.

Dobrinka Parusheva, PhD, is Associate Professor of Theory and History of Culture at the University of Plovdiv and senior research associate at the Institute of Balkan Studies with Centre of Thracian Studies, Sofia. Her main areas of interest are: Balkan Studies, social history and anthropology of everyday life. She has specialized in Austria, Great Britain, Romania and the Netherlands and offered invited lectures in Galway (Ireland), Darmstadt and Munich (Germany), Edinburgh and Newcastle (Great Britain). She has participated in numerous national and international scientific projects.

Raycho Pozharliev, PhD, is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Sofia and University of Plovdiv. His interests are in the filed of philosophical anthropology (philosophy and sociology of eating), social philosophy, philosophical problems of the global world.

Stoyan Antonov, PhD, is assistant professor at the Department of Ethnology, Faculty of Philosophy and History, University of Plovdiv. His main interests are in the field of ethnology of ethnic groups, historical anthropology, interpretative anthropology, and heraldry.

Lina Gergova, PhD, is assistant professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia as well as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Folklore - Estonian Literary Museum, Tartu. Her research interests include national and local festivity and urban culture and heritage. She has participated in many research and applied projects, and has specialized in Austria, Italy and Slovakia.

Olivier Givre, PhD, is an anthropologist, assistant professor at Université Lumière-Lyon2, researcher at CREA (Centre de Recherches et d’Etudes Anthropologiques), Lyon (France). Along with his research on religious dynamics and ethnicity in Bulgaria and Greece, he leads scientific and cultural projects on handcrafts in France. His present scientific and applied “fields” concern the place of heritage in reshaping of the European territories at a comparative level: cultural and natural heritage, intangible cultural heritage, territorial cultural policies, protected areas.

Meglena Zlatkova, PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Ethnology, University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She is a lecturer in Urban Ethnology, Visual Anthropology, Ethnosociology, Projects Ìethodology and seminars in Introduction to Ethnology. Her main interests are in the fields of urban spaces and communities, cultural heritage and inheriting and migration, project culture and local development.

Vera Nikolova, PhD, is a member of the Department of geography of tourism at the Faculty of Geology and Geography, University of Sofia. Her professional interests are in the field of the following subjects: resources for tourism, geography of tourism, cultural tourism and cultural heritage, introduction to tourism. She prepares and organizes practical education of the students in tourism.

